I wrote this in my song writing book some time ago. I'm not sure when and I don't remember writing it, but it really hit me when I read it while I was down in Guatemala. I read it to my Sunday School class a few weeks ago and wanted the rest of you too read it also.
How do I pray?
How often do I pray?
How sincere are my prayers?
Prayer isn't just muttering words and wishes.
It's talking to God Himself!
Communication with the creator of everything!
I take this for granted....
I have the chance to have a conversation with the most powerful being ever, and I choose short courtesies and minute long exchanges.
I have the opportunity to touch Heaven's floor, the face of God Himself and I pass it up.
What is prayer?
Praying is praising...thanking....interceding.....lifting others up.....supporting things important to us......asking for help......guidance....forgiveness.....is part my decision making process.....is silence....is belief......is having a friendship.
Can I do all of that in 5 minutes? How about 10?
Reality check. I talked to my friend on the phone last month for 284 minutes.
How long did I talk to my creator?
I say I don't have time.....Lies!
I create excuses not too....
I fool myself.....
Satan need not waste his time on me. Why should he make an effort to trip me up when I'm already on my face?
I could go on, but I'm going to go talk to my friend, my savior, my creator, God.
Before I go..... I'm curious...How do you pray?
Read that, re-read it. We're going to be doing a series on "Spiritual Maturity" in the Element Sunday School class. Prayer is one part of that. Come and be a part of it!
Great Stuff